Going to college can be one of the most expensive times of your life. It’s not uncommon for students to work multiple jobs while getting their education just to survive. Right now viewers can take advantage of this Fratx.com discount for 25% off and watch as college guys perform gay sex acts to make a buck.
Supposedly this site was set up near a university in Arizona. The entire purpose was for guys to make some extra cash. You won’t find incredible lighting or studio quality anything. In fact, the cameras are often handheld. This is raw and gritty content that’s sure to leave you with your balls fully drained. There are more than 130+ videos in these archives that cover a wide range of explicit sex acts. Some of the content is extremely edgy and depicts nonconsensual sex fantasies. You’ll see everything from just a couple of guys getting it on to a whole group of fellas going bareback on one another. If you’re in the mood for raunchy hardcore gay sex acts, then you won’t want to miss this deal.